Our Committee
The management of Eaton Street Centre is overseen by a parent Management Committee elected by parents and carers of children attending the Centre, including representatives of the different schools that participate in the Centre. The Management Committee meets periodically to understand issues facing the Centre and contribute to the ongoing operation of the Centre. Officeholders and Committee Members are elected at an annual general meeting usually held in the first term each year.
The Centre cannot operate without the generous support of the parent Management Committee members. All parents are encouraged to become members of the Association and consider joining the Committee. Management Committee roles are as follows:
Vice President
Staff Liaison Officer
Public Officer
School Liaison Officer - Balmain Public Primary School
School Liaison Officer - Father John Therry Catholic Primary School
If you would like more information about the Management Committee or how you can contribute to the operation of the Centre, please contact the Centre Coordinator as indicated below.
Contact Us
For further information or any enquiries, please contact:
Eaton Street Centre Inc.
1 Eaton Street
Balmain NSW 2041
Phone: 9818 1190